New Colony Place Apartments & Clubhouse


Fayetteville, NC
Colony Place Apartments were constructed in the mid-1970’s and were suffering from age and lack of maintenance. The complex did not include amenities such as air conditioning, handicapped-accessible units, an adequately sized laundry facility or social gathering areas. ESPA, working with the developer and consulting engineers, designed a complete renovation of the existing 100 apartment units (one, two, and three bedrooms). Building improvements addressed the need for a central air and heating system, installation of Energy Star-rated light fixtures and appliances, the modifications of existing ground level units to create handicapped apartments, and the construction of a 2,000-square-foot clubhouse and adjacent playground. Renovations addressed improvements to the exterior of the apartments by modifying roof lines, installing energy-efficient windows, and improvements to the building insulation and to the complex’s landscaping.
For the design and construction efforts, the Community Affordable Housing Equity Corporation (CAHEC) recognized the developer, contractors, and ESPA by awarding their 2013 Outstanding Preservation of Affordable Housing in the State of North Carolina to the noted team.